Our Story
In 2010, our Lead Pastor Josh McDonald took a trip to Israel that would turn the page to a new chapter. Pastor Josh and his wife Jolene began to pray about how God would use their stories to make a difference and as a result the vision of a life-giving church in Tuscarawas County began to be written.
It was on September 9, 2012 that Authentic Church Dream Team set-up for our first public worship service at Welty Middle School in New Philadelphia. With the support of The Association of Related Churches we were able to successfully launch and grow.
Over the last few years we have transitioned to multiple locations as a portable campus. We have strived to create an environment where people could FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST, FIND FREEDOM and FULFILL THEIR PURPOSE.
We believe that the most effective way to do that is through the local church.We have been blessed to see hundreds respond to Jesus Christ and take their next step with Authentic Church. We believe that your story is powerful and when we bring our stories together we can positively impact our community and our world.
The vision of Authentic Church is to help people follow Jesus, find freedom in Him, and then to fulfill the purpose God has for them.
Pastors Josh & Jolene Mcdonald

Pastors Cory & Rebekah Shaffer